Saturday 6 April 2019

From a Gilded Jesus to a Woolly Lamb

Here's a syllogism that ought to help logicias who are battling with the difference between negrating and a-whiting. The conclusion was presented to me on a boy's T-shirt!

The whole thing goes like this:
Aristotle: Nothing impossible is
Yoda: Nothing is impossible
Jesus: Impossible is nothing

And what is the message from the guilded Jesus? Well, it's the resolution that has been outstanding for quite a while now. Remember we needed to resolve the joke about a blonde? Well, Julia E.M. Hawkins resolved it twenty years ago, for me. It's "How do you make a brunette's eyes light up? Shine a light on a blonde's hair." Well hell, it worked for us! ❤️💓💕

But as with everything, there are lots of aspects to this. For the bio-chemical angle, maybe talk to Sara Tonin. And for the meteoroligical aspect, ... just wait. Not for very long though! The Guernsey Bureaux des Etrangers Aeropostale is a greatly improved service these days!

And I hope, and I pray, that it goes darker with every passing day.

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