
Sunday 3 November 2019

MI6 and CIA Rendition Update

Jack Straw is one of those involved. See from 10 minutes 27 seconds. I t was basically to set up a Libyan oil deal with Anglo Dutch Shell and BP.  Listen to Jack Straw talking shit to the House of Commons committee a few months ago: The Role of Parliament in British Military Action Overseas.

At 13 minutes 53 seconds reports that they were visited in prison in Libya by British intelligence officers, and that they told them they were being tortured, and the female officer indicated that she had understood what they were saying. Then at 18 minutes 56 seconds, in 2010 the UK Government settled out of court and paid £2.2 million pounds to close the case. That's austerity to you, folks! πŸ˜‚ At 19 minutes 47 seconds, the UK Government argued that the case shouldn't be tried in a UK court, because other governments were involved. This is the sort of crap you're going to hear a lot of in the very near future. For example, a UK trade mission sent to Cochabamba in early 2018 to discuss investment in a bid by Evo Morales to build a trans-continental railroad through the highest country in South America, ... that involves a foreign government, you see, albeit one run by a drug cartel and the CIA. The UK FCO's statement at 20 minutes 54 seconds is very reassuring, I must say! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Then at 23 minutes 47 seconds, following the four year-long investigation, the case against Sir Mark Allen was dropped by the Crown Prosecutor because it was thought there wasn't enough evidence to secure a conviction.

Jesus, Evo must be shitting his fucking pants right now! πŸ˜‚

See also:

This is the 2013 report referred to:

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