
Saturday 26 October 2019

Priscillia Ludosky on the European Commission

This is the 50th Act. Casualties so far: 11 dead, 25 people who have lost an eye and five who have lost a hand, and over 2,000 other injuries. The EC say that the French police have the right to use these LBD weapons and that the French police cannot investigate the actions of members of their own force, but there is no EC authority that can investigate police actions either.

At 2 minutes 34 seconds a referendum on a citizens' initiative to debate EC austerity measures is anti-democratic. This is because it is a condition of the Maastricht Treaty that EC Member States are not allowed to critique decisions made by the European Central Bank. See this, from 1 hour 25 minutes. "The ECB is an international organization that is above and outside the laws and jurisdiction of any individual nation."

The ECB colludes with the US Federal Reserve: see Nick Hanauer on Neo-liberal Economics and Serious Psychological Problems.

I am surprrised that Gilets Jaunes can effectively use Twitter to organise protests, given the degree of control Twitter are prepared to use to suppress certain information. See Jason Bermas on Twitter.

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