
Monday 28 October 2019

Lori on Snowden and the CIA and Aliens, ....

... to me they're all pretty much the same thing; Snowden, the CIA and Aliens, I mean, ...

... and here's a really excellent little op-doc Laura Poitras made on the NSA whilsteblower William Binney, for the NYT no less, in August 2012, almost a year before Snowden hi-tailed to Singapore, ...

... but I wonder if the CIA believe in Atlantis?

For more advice on interpreting flood stories, see Revolution: The Real Deal. And if you don't know where Cochabamba is, or what it is called, ... see this beer commercial ðŸ˜‚🤦, ... or Problemas en el corazón de la Madre Tierra, and What is Socialist Economic Development? Then see Bolivian Vice President Approves Further Blockades by MAS. And on the effects of concentration camps, ...

... and what does this have to do with The Matrix? Well, it's about self-sufficiency in the Third World, ... you need others to help you, ...

... otherwise, well, you end up spending all your time dodging bullets, I guess, ...

... and surveillance, ... well, be careful what you say about people on the phone! 😂

... see You Whores Are All Fucked, and remember, context is everything in the semantics of connected independent processes. For example, ...

Just check the replies to this youtube comment, which would make even Stagger Lee blanch, ...

Now, hands up those who think that there is any risk that Lori will misinterpret what I'm proposing in this post. I don't. And now, hands up those who think that "code talk" is a suitable medium for making contracts, or covenants? I do. But it quite severely restricts the kind of contracts and covenants you can make. See Revolution: The Real Deal. So you see, we have the upper hand, siempre!

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