
Friday 20 September 2019

Putin Spectating at Centre 2019

Hey look girls, the Russians feed their CiC! Isn't that awesome! πŸ˜‚❤️πŸ’“πŸ’•

See From Africa to Iceland. I suppose quite a few people haven't picked up on it yet, so let Bjork and one little indian spell it out for you.

For more details, see John Muir's "Steep Trails", published posthumously. See in particular the publisher's note, on page v:

This is what it is all about, and this is what has been suppressed desperately for at least six thousand years, so there is a huge pile of crap under the carpet that we are going to have clean out. We are going to have the help of both the Vatican and the freemasons, who are going to open their secret archives, and we will have the archives of the Society for Psychical Research, euphemistically called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by RT. πŸ’₯πŸ”₯

We need to be very sure that we're not protecting the wrong thing here, and it is far from clear to me that we know what we we're doing. This was on August 26th:

I sincerely doubt that I am what needs to be protected. I'm just one of her boyfriends, and we are all one-use-only, and disposable. Now for fuck's sake wake up and let's start trying to restore some sanity to this fucking shambles you've all made! Here's some advice: if you don't have the courage to speak to me face-to-face then do not try to control me!

And to demonstrate that I am learning, admittedly ever so slowly, ... I need to add that neither should you attempt to control the people with whom I come into contact, and neither should you attempt to control the people with whom I cannot come into contact because you are controlling them, because these are both attempts to control me!

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