
Sunday 18 August 2019

Some People Around Here Are Deluding Themselves

This woman and her boyfriend came to me today to give me a rotten mandarina and two pesos and tell me to never give up on my dream of seeing my daughter one day. And then this stupid idiot tells me that Evo Morales isn't going to jail, and that he's going to be elected as president again. She is very badly mistaken. Evo Morales, and all his accomplices, are going to face trial for the crime of traición de la pátria, under the constitution and statues of the Republic of Bolivia. See 2009 Coup D'Etat in Honduras.

This explains why it is so difficult to learn something that you don't already know.

On cognitive illusions, see Russian Government is Clearly NOT Taking Climate Change Seriously and People Want Me To Shut The Fuck Up For A While?

This talk gives one an insight into how "Evonomics" works, at 10 minutes 52 seconds

On the value of trust, see first, A General Strategy for Solving Problems by Analysis of Situational Logic and then Jade on Equilibria in Complex Systems

There is a problem with many analyses of psycho-dynamics of trust based on money. They use money, because it allows some measure of objectivity, but what they don't take into account is that the subjective value of money depends upon many things, such as how much you have, how much you think you are going to need in the future and how much you think you think you are going to actually get in the future. They also depend upon how you value the possible ways in which you could use that money. So in all these behavioural experiments the results are highly suspect, even if you were to take into account the demographics of the sample population in terms of financial wealth and level of education. So what I am saying, in this "long rigmarole of the slave", is this: these observations are not observations about "human nature", they are observations about the behaviour of people under certain highly dubious premisses about the value of money and education. That said, we can still learn from them some of the tricks that people with access to practically unlimited amounts of money can use to manipulate large swathes of a population, and it doesn't bear thinking about!

All of the talks I've found so far about trust seem to have missed the most important factor which is the microbiome and "gut feelings". See Psychological Profile and Lori on Extraterrestrial Life.

On establishing trust transitively, see Bootstrapping Secure Global Communications. So now you can see why I loathe this song:

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