
Saturday 17 August 2019

British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest

This is why Trump cannot clear-out the US Deep State without a simultaneous clear-out of the UK intelligence deep state. See Boris Johnson Planning to Lock Up All the Freemasons and Fuck-witted Assholes Plan to Save The World.

Here's Trump's former campaign advisor, who was the target of illegal US intelligence surveillance by Clinton and Obama during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Here's some background on Steele, who, possibly with the assistance of Sergei Skripal, authored the dossier full of selacious crap about Trump. This is from early 2017.

Steele was colluding with people connected to both the Clinton campaign and the FBI.

Obama, whilst president, was knowingly involved in the illegal surveillance, and was also involved in illegal surveillance carried out by GCHQ on the Democrats' behalf. Just before suddenly and unexpectedly retiring, GCHQ Director Robert Hannigan made a hurried visit to Washington to present the CIA Director John Brennan some important intelligence, in a private face-to-face meeting. See this Guardian piece: British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

This use of "the five eyes" to allow colluding intelligence agencies to operate beyond the reach of national laws has been going on for decades. At 4 minutes 42 seconds Bill Binney explains how it was being used by Bob Muller as FBI Director since 2003.

And it is not just for  surveillance, the same inter-agency collusion mechanisms are being used by the CIA and MI6 to carry out "rendition" and torture in offshore "black sites", as well as targeted killing: "Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap"

I think that covering up this and other awkward collusion, possibly involving MI6 and the RUC Special Branch, was a large part of the motivation behind the 2011 attacks on Libya by the UK and US coalition, and the 2012 Benghazi attack: See this Guardian video.

See also

The Royal Obamas on a visit to Britain to celebrate

See also 2009 Coup D'état In Honduras.

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