
Saturday 17 August 2019

2009 Coup D'Etat in Honduras

This Honduran coup d'état happened a couple of weeks after I arrived in Bolivia in June 2009, and I heard nothing about it at the time, from anyone in Bolivia or outside.

Here's an Al Jazeera report that was aired during the 2016 Presidential campaign. See in particular from 2 minutes 12 seconds: Environmental activist Berta Cásares was assassinated in her home on March 2016:
A former soldier with the US-trained special forces units of the Honduran military asserted that Caceres' name was on their hitlist months before her assassination. As of February 2017, three of the eight arrested people were linked to the US-trained elite military troops of which two had been trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA, the former School of the Americas (SOA), renamed WHINSEC, linked to thousands of murders and human rights violations by its graduates in Latin America.

For more on Henry Kissinger, see Cafayate, ArgentinaTrump Administration Vote Winner and Heinz Buttkissinger. The Brits are certainly involved in this too. See British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest.

The problem is, how we are ever going to be able to prosecute these people for these war crimes when we have corrupt, frightened, stupid heads of state like Morales and Maduro desperately holding on to power because they're afraid of doing a couple of decades of jail time. What's the problem, do they think their human rights will be violated somehow? For more on Prison Reform, see this post, ALL THE WAY THROUGH!! Why Climate Scientists Shouldn't Set Policy.

I wrote this weird thing in April 2013, because I was starving and people in Cambridge refused to help me, so I thought the end was nigh. At the time I wrote it, I didn't know Hugo Chavez had died, let alone that there would be an election of some sort in Venezuela within a few weeks. The inflamatory part is in the lyrics to this song, which I altered, see the last few pages of Economics II, about "Predators, preserved by Venezuelan Oil Tar Empty cartridges from a Magnum Tossed, into agricultural lime..." which could also read "Vote cartridges from a[n] MT into agricultural lime, ...."

So after that, maybe George Soros sent someone down to Venezuela wirh a fistfull of dollars to cause a riot over voting machines and Maduro's first act on being elected was to have seven protestors killed, .... shit like that does happen, see Who Owns The Revolution?

When I arrived in Bolivia a decade ago, the first thing I did was start an investigation into the forestry industry. I mentioned Eduardo Galeano's book Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent. Maybe that put someone's nose out of joint? I later followed that up with an investigation on the ground, see the trip report here which includes some photos of jaguar footprints, and also footprints of "Perros del Monté", which turn out to be the same thing as "Gatos del Monté"! Sadly, Galeano died on April 13th 2015.

See also this, from 2009:

On page 8 of Economics II, there is this quote from Aristotle, on what is the efficient cause of any movement of the spirit. Seeing how my life has gone, I have to say that experience bears him out!

As Isaac Newton would have said "I have made the experiment." See Catholic Church.

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