Sunday 9 June 2019

Jesus Fucking Christ!

Just listen to this crap!

This is the problem: it is that some people seem to think that this world of 'strategic alliances' and international 'diplomacy' which Henry Kissinger mastered was actually a real thing. It was never a real thing, and it isn't a real thing now. Just because 'think tanks' and universities like  Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, with hundreds of billions of dollars of funding, employ pundits to appear on panels like this one does not make it real. This stuff is like the spume on the waves as they break onto a beach. It is not the cause of the wave, it is an effect, and without it, the waves would still break.

Trying to understand international politics by listening to the crap that Henry Kissinger comes out with is like trying to understand the weather by studying the froth washed up on a beach.

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