Tuesday 4 June 2019

Impending Global Humanitarian Disaster

This is a disaster in the making. We have a global economic collapse waiting in the wings, and corrupt heads of state desperately trying to evade justice by retaining power illegally. These people are preventing their populations from creating the necessary economic conditions locally, that will enable the society to survive an economic collapse. So Bolivia, for example, is taking the first steps on the road Venezuela took six years ago. The total  dependency that these countries have on foreign income means that when that income stream is cut off, people start to starve and die because they have no access to basic food and medicines. With that, comes civil unrest, and the state crackdowns we saw in Venezuela. Then mass migration and so on and so forth. But this time, there won't be anywhere else better to go to. We are going to be living in interesting times, people.

And today's update:

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