Sunday 2 June 2019

Deep Purple on Shooting Blind

Well, it works for me! 🙈 This was my favourite track on "Made in Japan".

It was weird how, when I tried to take my ten-year-old daughter to see a bit of Switzerland before I left for Bolivia, the train we had booked seats on from Paris to Geneva was delayed for twelve hours. That's odd, because 12 hours was all the time our schedule allowed in Switzerland. So we passed through in hours of darkness, except it was dawn as we passed through Montreux on our way to Milan. I wondered if that was because William Irwin Thompson had said "look, if he sees Switzerland, he's never going to stay in Bolivia for longer than three months!" I think I may have been working for the Swiss FIS all of my life, if this is anything to go by. 😂 Or it may just be that they were concerned about our safety. 😂😂😂😂 See also this article, which should probably have the title Shit Happens. 😂🙈

Ladies, you have to listen to the song. You won't get the message by just staring whistfully at the singer's crotch! 😂

So folks, this time next year, instead of the Bilderberg meeting, we'll have the Cafayate Meeting, and we'll find out why the Swiss Foundation funded the Vicepresidencia in Bolivia to develop a GIS system whose sole purpose seems to be the optimization of government spending with the aim of identifying the areas where most MAS votes could be bought for the buck.

Stefan Anders, you wouldn't dare fuck around with me, would you? No, I didn't think so.

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