Thursday 6 June 2019

A Million Hong Kong People Came to Support The Democracy Protesters in 1989

If Xi Jinping thinks he can fix the economy first, then fix this afterwards, then he is a fool. The Chinese people don't need spaceships or new smartphones or electric cars.

I suspect CIA involvement in this. Let's sort it out, Mr Jinping. Talk to Putin, please. See A Reminder.

This is from October 2016:

And this Al Jazeera documentary was released in June 2017

Having watched that, I realize that I can't complain about the way I've been treated for the past thirty years. What a wingeing faggot I am! 😂 The FT's China editor James Kynge was in Beijing, covering the demonstrations in June 1989.

I hope Tim Cook sees what Han Dongfang says at 1 minute 26 secs. See Jack Ma's Tyranny  Here's Martin Lee, who helped draft Hong Kong's Basic Law in the eighties, talking (at 4 mins 42 secs) about how Chinese politics changed under Deng Xiaoping, around the time of the 1984 talks with Margaret Thatcher's government. If I could get in touch with Sarah Murray, who was a SCMP reporter around that time, and who I met in Kashgar, Xinjiang, in late 1989, then we might  be able to better understand this. I tried once, unsuccessfully, to contact Sarah, in 2009 soon after I arrived in Bolivia.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking you can do this on your own without talking to others. David MacKay made that mistake. He was politically naïve. He should have had a conversation with me. That was impossible because I was being held incommunicado by Evo Morales, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Xi Jinping and the CIA and the British Foreign Commonwealth Office, with the help of Vanessa Spedding and Nik Thomas, Cambridge University Engineering Department and ex BAE Systems, and Elon Musk and Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and Gordon and Betty Moore and God alone knows how many others. And it is not because I know more than anybody else that you need to talk to me; it's because I seem to know better than anybody else what the value of secure communications really is

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