
Thursday 23 May 2019

Kevin Brock Opinion Piece on Barr and the FBI's Spying

This is from The Hill "AG Barr Puts former Intel Bosses on Notice". Brock writes:
 Barr's words and actions are telling. First, he raised the concern that the Trump campaign was "spied" upon. His use of the word "spying" appears more calculated than casual. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that followed is also telling. "The FBI doesn't spy" became the sputtering counter-refrain of those trying to mask their nervousness.
It's a fair point that's beside the point. The FBI is charged with acting under strict legal restrictions and court orders. Spying is not a term traditionally associated with those activities.
It's not a fair point, it's a fucking lie! The FBI does spy, and it has been doing it since 2003 at the latest. See from 2 mins 31 secs to 5 mins 51 where you hear that the DOJ and FBI use this data obtained by illegal spying for law enforcement:

See Bill Binney on Surveillance. And AG Barr knows about this, because it was the last thing he did whist working for Verizon: getting them off the hook for participating in this crap. From this 2008 WSJ piece:

So Former FBI assistant director Kevin Brock is just another round in the DOJ circular firing squad. And amazingly, the strain is making his voice resemble that of John Brennan 😂 See this Tucker Carlson interview he did earlier this month. Brock also founded a cyber-surveillance company NewStreet Global Solutions LLC:
At NewStreet we identify and aggregate new and innovative technologies that can be adapted to the daily demands faced by the responder, the officer, and the investigator.  We deliver what's new to those on the street.
Well, Mr Brock, I'm on the street too. Let's see who wins, shall we? And does the FBI  contract out its intel sources in Singapore too?

And where else? Qatar?

See also this post on AG Loretta Lynch signing a secret order to pass on surveillance material to just about anyone who asks for it. See also this post on Obama's visit to the UK three months before the US/UK bombed the crap out of Libya, and the CIA/MI6 collusion with Libyan intelligence and torture of "rendition" subjects in Egypt and Libya, and "evidence" of WMD's obtained under this torture

For more on US/UK intelligence collusion, see Brits Running the US Federal Reserve.

I am pretty sure that Sarah Jacob (or Sarah Walker) worked for the CIA and/or British intelligence, and that later the next year they were trying to recruit me in some sort of stupid fucked-up way, probably after having tried and failed to kill me. So was my writing stuff like this, and threatening to write a book about it too, the cause of all of that? Ask my ex-wife Jane Carey, who was also working for these cunts, and had been doing so since long before I married the fucking bitch.

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