
Thursday 23 May 2019

Amnesty International Campaigning for Support for Venezuelan Refugees

I just got an e-mail from Karina Sarmiento, delivered via Amnesty Intl's mail list, so no e-mail address to reply to.
Dear Ian, 
More than 3.7 million people have fled Venezuela, escaping food shortages, a lack of basic drugs for terminal illnesses, hyperinflation and the violence of the authorities. They are simply seeking to survive and build a better future for their families. 
Sign this petition and call on the states of Latin America and the Caribbean to protect these Venezuelans
These people have ended up in countries near and far, where many have found a welcome, solidarity and the chance to rebuild their lives and help their loved ones unable to leave Venezuela. 
Now, everything they have achieved at the cost of so much sacrifice will be at risk if the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean decide to scale back the protection they have been providing. 
Sign this petition and call on the states of Latin America and the Caribbean to protect Venezuelans fleeing their country
With your support, we can help write happy endings for separated families, parents who want to hold their children once more, and children who want to improve their families’ lives.
Thank you,
Karina Sarmiento
Regional Deputy Director of Campaigns, Americas

 So I Google her and find this, which looks hopeful:

But, despite the title, no e-mail addresses

Now Amnesty International and the UNHCR, and the UN in general are severely compromised institutions, but I used to work for Amnesty International, in 1999, on their emergency response network, so I know that some of the people working for them are not compromised. And I know that some of those people are effective, because I received menacing letters from felons in Texas jails delivered to my home address as a result of doing that work. I know I was effective, because I didn't give anyone at the Texas newspapers I contacted my home address, so they went to quite some effort to find it.

So can someone please explain to me why the only way to contact anybody at amnesty international is via their Twitter, FakeBook or ClinkedIn page?

And can @jack Dorsey tell my why I couldn't ever get replies to my Twitter DM's when I was stupid enough to try to use the fucking thing!

And finally, notice that Bolivia has no international human rights organisations, nor any foreign journalists, nor any system of justice worthy of the name, and that when the Chief of Police is in jail in Panama because he was caught at the airport with a few dozen kilos of Cocaine, then only 81 policemen turn out to be investigated in the whole country.

So who are the stupid cunts that think they run this shit show? And why don't any of them have the guts to speak to me? 

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