
Friday 17 May 2019

Iran False Flags

TLAV on the USS Liberty and Operation Northwoods, both in the sixties. The USS Liberty was a mobile NSA signals intelligence station, and they were gathering an analyzing intelligence from signals intercepts throughout the six day war, until the ship was attacked, when they destroyed all their data to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

Here's a link to the Mintpress story. See also Shaking the Genie out of Iran. The USS Liberty was attacked on 8th June 1967, and exactly a year later, on the 8th June 1968, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, a Palestinian from Jordan, was arrested at the scene when Robert Kennedy was assassinated. But the suspect had no recollection of having fired any shots and the evidence suggests he wasn't the shooter.

This short excerpt from an interview with Daniel P. Brown, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, on Shirhan Shirhan's state of mind, even years afterwards, is really something!

Robert Kennedy's son and his sister have sincere doubts that Sirhan Bashir Sirhan killed their father and have called for the investigation to be reopened.

See also this Washington Post story "The assassination of Bobby Kennedy: Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotized to be the fall guy?"
Scheflin examined the CIA’s mind experiments in detail in his book “The Mind Manipulators” and found that the agency did have a project designed to create hypnotized subjects “for purposes of assassination.”
The 1967 Six Day War was when Israel first occupied the Syrian Golan Heights. See Shaking the Genie out of Iran. The company Genie Energy has interests in the Golan Heights:
Genie Oil and Gas, which pursued a conventional oil exploration project in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
Here's a Journal of Petroleum Technology story on Hunt Oil, a company based in Dallas, TX, with close ties to the Bush family:
The company also has operations in Yemen, including an LNG facility, and in the Kurdistan region of Iraq—regions certainly not viewed favorably by Wall Street or other operators. Hunter acknowledged that some of the company’s international positions do “sound like a [US] State Department travel advisory warning list on occasion.”
The thing is, it was George H.W. Bush's CIA who did the initial assessment on Yemen oil production potential.

At 1 min 51 secs:

This event is mentioned in this NYT Magazine piece which also mentions the Iraq invasion and Hunt's relationship with Ali Abdullah Saleh.
The UN Sanctions Panel said that, by 2012 Saleh had amassed a fortune worth $32–60 billion hidden in at least twenty countries, making him one of the richest people in the world. Saleh was gaining $2 billion a year from 1978 to 2012, mainly through illegal methods, such as embezzlement, extortion and theft of funds from Yemen's fuel subsidy program.
And this NYT report from 2008 on George W. Bush's connections with the company:
Bush administration officials knew that a Texas oil company with close ties to President Bush was planning to sign an oil deal with the regional Kurdistan government that ran counter to American policy and undercut Iraq’s central government, a Congressional committee has concluded.
And here's an interview with H.L. Hunt "Richest man in America" from 1970

Part 2 of this interview:

On the uncomfortable association of Dallas businessmen with the sad events of November 1963 (one minute 20 secs of part2), see this interesting piece on H.L. Hunt's pioneering steps in advertising.
Hunt's Facts Forum was the model for much of what was later to come with the rise of the right in the media in the 1990s - both in radio and TV. But Hunt didn't just shape the future of the right, he also had a profound effect on the way the Left too attacked and corroded the idea of objectivity and neutrality in journalism.
It happened because of some pieces of paper that were found in the jacket pocket of Jack Ruby - the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald. Two of them were scripts from Hunt's radio programme called LIFELINE. The third had a telephone number of one of Hunt's sons.
Many of Lifeline's programmes had attacked John F. Kennedy as a communist dupe who was destroying America - and Jack Ruby had apparently been outraged by such vicious propaganda against Kennedy.
Then it was discovered that a full page advertisement placed in the Dallas Morning News on the day of the assassination had been partly paid for by another of Hunt's sons - Bunker Hunt. It was surrounded by a black, threatening border - and was titled sarcastically "Welcome Mr Kennedy to Dallas"

Note that they are pissed at JFK for permitting his brother Robert, who was Attorney General "to go soft on communists".

Recntly, John Curington, who was H.L. Hunt's "right-hand man" for many, many years, wrote a book together Mitchell Whitington on the many connections between H.L. Hunt and the Kennedy assassinations, as welk as that of Martin Luther King. See Mitchell Whitington Interviews John Curington.

For another Hunt that turned up in my life, see Thirty Years Of Compromised Information Security.

I suspect that Weatherford is also Bush-connected. This huge fine levied by  BIS in 2013 was for exports between 2004 and 2007. Weatherford has just filed for bankruptcy protection.

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