Saturday 18 May 2019

USS Liberty and the NSA

This is an Al Jazeera documentary about the USS Liberty incident, which looks like it was a false flag operation designed to provide the US with an excuse to enter the Six Day War on the side of the Israelis. See Iran False Flags.
As of 2006, the NSA had yet to declassify "boxes and boxes" of Liberty  documents. Numerous requests under both declassification directives and the Freedom of Information Act are pending with various agencies including the NSA, Central Intelligence Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency. "On 8 June 2007, the National Security Agency released hundreds of additional declassified documents on the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, a communications interception vessel, on 8 June 1967."
On 2 October 2007, The Chicago Tribune published a special report into the attack, containing numerous previously unreported quotes from former military personnel with first-hand knowledge of the incident. Many of these quotes directly contradict the NSA's position that it never intercepted the communications of the attacking Israeli pilots, saying that not only did transcripts of those communications exist, but also that it showed the Israelis knew they were attacking an American naval vessel.

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