Monday 20 May 2019

DW and France24 on Russia and the "Far Right" in Europe

The politics is getting very confused. When you label the populist anti-corruption movements as "far right", what do you call the real far right? Do you just stop talking about them? I think there has been a deliberate ploy by propagandists to manipulate public opinion and confuse people, so that anyone arguing for re-establishing national sovereignty and the rule of law is going to be labelled far right and anti-liberal. And I think this operation has been spearheaded by George Soros and his fake "Open Societies Foundations." These pseudo-liberal capitalist crooks have been preparing for this for decades. And it was always like this. Practically every revolution you look at in history turns out to have been usurped, sometimes preemptively, like the 1950's "Social Revolution" of Victor Paz in Bolivia, and sometimes at the last minute, by fake revolutions. See this manifesto I wrote for a revolution in September 2011. See also Lewis Carroll's book "Sylvie and Bruno".

At 4 mins 42 secs in the following, Tony Gosling mentions far right associations being deliberately used to discredit any "euro-sceptic" movements.

See also this post on The Political Assassination of Heinz-Christian Strache.

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