
Thursday 30 May 2019

Bilderberg 2019

A great description of this alternative music festival that just kicked off on the shore of Lake Geneva. Now where'd' I put that flare gun? ....

Here is the agenda, and here is a list of participants. The journalists present, well, ... there's Martin H. Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times, ... 'nuff said, see Absolute Nonsense.

See the comments on that video:

See Che Guevara On Sovereignty and Imperialism, for more on Malta and Rhodesian independence. See also Assange's weird password on the State Department Cables dump in Double Standards in Alternative Media. I'll show you what a blood pact means, my little friends.

[All sorts of crashing Samsung Internet tabs when I posted this. And the most bizarre lock-out I've ever had. I couldn't even power-down or restart the machine (Samsung Tab 6)  Maybe someone was applying a system update or something.]

Listen, you squirming little worms, there is only one thing on your agenda this year: Why Sovereignty of ALL States is an Absolute Necessity Now you had  better well get in line because you are all looking at a minimum of a decade-long jail sentence.

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