Sunday 12 May 2019

Alzheimer's Disease

So if I can come up with some useful ideas about how to deal with this problem, will you let me out of jail? It's great to see that someone at The Economist knows something about real economics. This is a really first-class piece of video. ❤️💓💕

See this post on Loneliness.

And this post on social media's role. And this post on Algorithms and dementia (at 26 mins 42 secs.)

See Hannnah's Book Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine.

Back in October 2015 I wrote a few pages on some ideas ideas I had about how to approach the study of prion diseases and the immune system. I wanted to talk to some people who knew more about biomolecular science than I do, and do a bit more reading before publishing them, but that was not to be. Doctors in Cochabamba just don't seem to want to talk to me. Maybe try find out whether somebody at Banco Union in the Prado took a photocopy of my notes in early 2016.

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