Friday 19 April 2019

Wake Up!

Intelligent people could sort this ludicrous mess out in a month if only the assholes 'in charge' would just stop fucking us over to buy themselves more time to screw everything up even more. The first step to learning is recognising that there is something that you yourself don't know.

Here's someone who acts like he's in charge, but talks complete crap all the fucking time! His name is Mike Pompeo and he works for the CIA.

Here's China's real economic strength.

And here's the US economic strength.

Read the words, and think about what She is saying, Mike Pumpass!

The answer is a Union of Sovereign States whose governments act in the interests of the greater good. So Mike, it's sovereignty first, then solvency. No, Mike, the United States of America is not a sovereign state, and this is why.

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