
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Putin on Mueller Probe

"Come and visit us, our mother would be very pleased to see you, but we won't give you our address." Poor Bob! That reminds me of a joke. "What do you call a man without any arms or legs in a swimming pool?"

But Bob loves me! I know, because he said so on Twitter, and in public! But this was just after he was appointed as Special Counsel, so maybe he's a little embarrassed now? Don't be shy, Bob. My email address is IanGrant at

P.S. Bob, you couldn't lend me a couple of Franklins, could you? I'm starving, and flat broke!

You too?! Oh bubba, that's just too bad! Whawegonnadobro? I think we just demonstrated Euclid Prop. 5.XVI. That ought to be worth a BOB or two, oughtn't it? Whatever it is worth, let's set the USD/BOB exchange rate there. I mean, at least we'll know why it's what it is. Because "Seven" sounds a bit doubtful, doesn't it? But maybe Brad has an idea about how it can be justified? Hey, Bob, did you know Brad and I once made a movie starring Julian Assange? He plays the hamster! We're thinking of remaking it, ... hey, I know! You could play Angelina Jolie's pussy, if you like! How about it bro'?

Bob, I've seen worse than that! It was sixteen scratches, on my chest! And I was only playing myself! ðŸ˜‚😂😂

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