
Tuesday 5 June 2018

CIA hacking Senate Intelligence Committee computers in 2010

This refers to a post on Google+

Note that in the news item that broke the story, Feinstein reports that the report of the CIA's own internal investigation into torture was also deleted, and the blame was passed from CIA Director John Brennan to the CIA's "IT guys" and thence to the White House, before being picked up by Brennan in his drafted, but never actually sent, apology to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Then what is even more bizarre is that the CIA went to the Justice Department, suggesting that someone on the Senate Intelligence Committee had committed a crime by accessing the CIA's internal reoort, which contained evidence of the CIA's knowledge of "significant wrongdoing"!

So somebody at the CIA was apparently hacking the CIA's systems too. So not only do we have a civil war going on within the Armed Forces of the United States, we have one going on within the Federal Government as well. And I think this might explain how it is that when the White House National Security Committee wish to make a foreign policy clarification, they find themselves in the utterly absurd position of having to leak it to Reuters!

Now let that be a reminder to reporters, that whenever you report "what the CIA did" you need to think, precisely which faction within the CIA did what?

(Now though I have a blue "post" link at the foot of the edit panel in Google+, nothing happens when I press it. I feel like I am being censored, but all I am doing is drawing what I consider to be fairly reasonable and obvious inferences from publicly broadcast news reports). I am now attempting to post the link on my blog.

Saturday 19 May 2018

Cut Off

I have been cut off. It looks like I've offended the great and the good. In particular, Jeff Bezos(Amazon), William Gates II (Microsoft), Betty and Gordon Moore (Intel), Larry Ellison (Oracle), C.A.R. Hoare (University of Cambridge), the senior members of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and NASA (Wallop Island, VA). These people are a degenerate subspecies of Human Being. This whole world you idiots have made is crumbling. You are about to discover that you cannot rule the world when the only thing you know how to do really well is fucking shit up!

Twitter and FaceBook and InstaGram and Google and Blogger and YouTube and ProtonMail and ProtonVPN and Signal and Telegram and WhatsApp are all a useless sham. So are Samsung and Apple. Great job guys! You really know how to screw up.

So I am going offline until some women in Bolivia find the courage to organise themselves to the point that they can provide me with the resources I need to be able to work on secure communications.

Monday 16 April 2018

On Scientific Knowledge

This was an attempt to explain to the British diplomatic corps how to handle an international disagreement concerning scientific results.

I sent it to a member of staff at the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office on 18 March 2018.

The Russian Embassy in London do not seem to be behaving on Twitter in the same way the Russian government seem to behave on YouTube. Make of that what you will. [referring to the Russian Embassy tweet suggesting that Hercule Poirot was needed in Salisbury, implying that Sherlock Holmes wasn't up to the job, perhaps?]

Mind you, to accuse the head of state [Putin] of personally ordering people be killed, without saying how or why you know is probably absence of evidence, so they are within their rights to joke. The British government has the resources to do an analysis, and they should say why they won't let a Russian laboratory do one. It's science. Does the UK have a chief scientific officer anymore? There used to be a post like that, usually a well-apointed and internationally recognised (and respected) scientist.

The government's chief scientist should be liaising with a Russian counterpart with the aim of understanding all the different ways in which the results of the respective analyses disagreed. Then the scientific report should be fed to a group of ministers who talk to some similar group in Russia and share data, again with the aim of being avble to satisfactorily explain all differences of opinion between the two. And you go on like this, giving regular press conferences (probably daily) and tell the country what's going on.

Of course that's a complete waste of time if you know you're guilty as hell and are all going to spend the rest of your miserable lives in the Maize, so you don't do that. Instead you do what they're doing and try to start a 3rd world war before anyone notices! 😃