
Tuesday 5 June 2018

CIA hacking Senate Intelligence Committee computers in 2010

This refers to a post on Google+

Note that in the news item that broke the story, Feinstein reports that the report of the CIA's own internal investigation into torture was also deleted, and the blame was passed from CIA Director John Brennan to the CIA's "IT guys" and thence to the White House, before being picked up by Brennan in his drafted, but never actually sent, apology to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Then what is even more bizarre is that the CIA went to the Justice Department, suggesting that someone on the Senate Intelligence Committee had committed a crime by accessing the CIA's internal reoort, which contained evidence of the CIA's knowledge of "significant wrongdoing"!

So somebody at the CIA was apparently hacking the CIA's systems too. So not only do we have a civil war going on within the Armed Forces of the United States, we have one going on within the Federal Government as well. And I think this might explain how it is that when the White House National Security Committee wish to make a foreign policy clarification, they find themselves in the utterly absurd position of having to leak it to Reuters!

Now let that be a reminder to reporters, that whenever you report "what the CIA did" you need to think, precisely which faction within the CIA did what?

(Now though I have a blue "post" link at the foot of the edit panel in Google+, nothing happens when I press it. I feel like I am being censored, but all I am doing is drawing what I consider to be fairly reasonable and obvious inferences from publicly broadcast news reports). I am now attempting to post the link on my blog.

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