
Saturday 19 May 2018

Cut Off

I have been cut off. It looks like I've offended the great and the good. In particular, Jeff Bezos(Amazon), William Gates II (Microsoft), Betty and Gordon Moore (Intel), Larry Ellison (Oracle), C.A.R. Hoare (University of Cambridge), the senior members of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and NASA (Wallop Island, VA). These people are a degenerate subspecies of Human Being. This whole world you idiots have made is crumbling. You are about to discover that you cannot rule the world when the only thing you know how to do really well is fucking shit up!

Twitter and FaceBook and InstaGram and Google and Blogger and YouTube and ProtonMail and ProtonVPN and Signal and Telegram and WhatsApp are all a useless sham. So are Samsung and Apple. Great job guys! You really know how to screw up.

So I am going offline until some women in Bolivia find the courage to organise themselves to the point that they can provide me with the resources I need to be able to work on secure communications.

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