
Saturday 17 September 2016

The Plurinational Vegetative State of Bolivia

I'm stuck here. The corruption is so total that nobody knows anything. I can't even contact the Swiss Embassy in La Paz, because someone seems to have paid-off the honorary consulate here not to help me. That would be A Good Thing: her testimony might be very useful in a week or two.

I don't get any e-mails from anyone I would want to hear from, unless they are sent under duress. But I get lots of other messages. Unfortunately their senders do not want to identify themselves, so I have no idea what the messages are about. They are delivered by people like Edward Snowden on CNN Latin America the other night, or the waiter at the 24/7 sushi cafe on the Prado in Cochabamba. "Code talk" just desn't work when you don't know who it's from.

T-shirts sometimes  seem more clear. For example there was one that said just
in big white letters. I hope the wearer charged danger money for that. He didn't seem to want to be within 20 yards of me while he was wearing it. I think I know who sent that message.

Imagine that Lt. Col. John Rimbaud has just "armed up" and he's standing there with half a dozen grenades pinned to his vest, and his RPG on his back, holding a huge machine gun and with thousands of rounds of ammunition in belts draped around his neck. And this stuff is so fucking heavy that it´s making the veins stand out on his biceps and his forehead.  And you go up to him and say "You know, you're fucking hostile! You have a bunch of issues that you still need to deal with."  And he'd look at you with his big droopy-doggy eyes for a bit, ... And what do you think he´d reply just before he turned and walked off to find someone more interesting and intelligent to talk to?

So can someone make me a T-shirt that is black, in good quality un-bleached cotton, in women's sizes, that says on the front, in big white letters that can be read from at least 20 yards distance "FUCKING RIGHT" and on the back "FUCKING PRICK". And sell them in the USA, and give the money to Hilary Clinton for her campaign fund. Then maybe she could fly Roger Schell and Scott Owens to Cochabamba so we can get a private e-mail connection running, and contract access to it to the NSA. If I could communicate then I could share some ideas with her about how to make the presidential debates an awful lot more interesting they are currently promising to be.

And if someone could make me a reply to a telling T-shirt, that says just "I'm going!" Then that would be lovely.

This is all part of a reality TV show called Latin American Law. Reality TV is like a soap opera, but where all the stuff turns out to actually have happened!

Well, no-one expected extracting agents after a 7 year black op would be easy ... "Play hard and Have fun!" As the T-shirt said. Yes marm!


  1. What do you want from the Swiss consulate?


  3. I think it's safe now to say what that reply "I'm going!" was a reply to. The lady's T-shirt said "You've been VERY naughty, go straight to my room!"
