
Saturday 25 June 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream

I have now managed to convince myself that, given modest material resources, some cooperative assistance,  and a little time, we could build a working demonstration of a quantum computer and communications system, here in Bolivia.

The purpose of this post is to correlate my knowledge with that of the other people here in Bolivia who are working on the same thing, and to ask if I may be permitted to travel to the other side of the world and attempt to set up a provably secure telecommunications link with Bolivia. I would like to travel to the Middle East.

The reason I am posting this now is that I read this morning that the result of the recent UK referendum has left the future evolution of European politics (and therefore of the global economy) very far from certain.

We have therefore a great a opportunity, and a very powerful set of motivating reasons to attempt a demonstration of the potential of this sort of communication.

What I would like to be able to do, is to produce a working example of a business which sells peace, so that we can make a judgement as to what is better for business: war, or peace.

The offer I am making is to act as a trustable intermediary for any difficult multi-party negotiations that need to be carried between different groups of people who have no immediate reasons to trust each other. The basis of their trust in me would have to be based on shared public knowledge of what I am attempting to achieve, and of the existence of a secure communications mechanism and a computer system capable of optimally evaluating an exponentially growing number of often contradictory possibilities simultanously from different, often conflicting points of view.

This needs to be done quickly, so I would hope to be there in fewer than ten days, with a few days in Western Europe to catch up on what's happened while I've been here, and to see my daughter, if that's possible, and if it's what she wants.

All I require to do this are access to modest financial resources to pay my personal costs, and cooperative assistance from the governments and other organisations involved.

I will post more when I have more time.

1 comment:

  1. That's Nik Thomas, _formerly_ of BAE Systems, I'm afraid. Happy to help as far as the penultimate paragraph goes - drop me a line and we will see what we can do. And no, the date of this comment is not a coincidence... MHROTD.
