Thursday 2 May 2019

Blackwater CEO Lobbying in DC

Eric Prince in Washington, trying to convince the Pentagon to use Blackwater mercenaries to effect regime change in Venezuela.

This brief TRT World article is worth reading:
Under the 1977 protocol and the 1989 Geneva Convention, mercenaries do not come under the protectorate of the Geneva convention. But the same articles which define mercenaries do not capture PMCs. And only a handful of countries are signatories, not including the US, UK or even the UAE.
The articles also provide a lot of wiggle room with an exhaustive list of criteria which must be met to be considered a gun-for-hire; “any mercenary who cannot exclude himself from this definition deserves to be shot – and his lawyer with him,” a commentator is quoted in a 2009 review of international conventions on PMCs.
See this UN resolution

See also Are private military contractors any different from mercenaries? Which has some interesting comments about the encounter between Russian mercenaries and US military in Eastern Syria in February 2018.

The presence of Private Military Contractors seriously muddy the waters in countries like Venezuela, where soveriegnty is dubious at the best of times. This report from Vice shows American PMCs operating in Caracas, Venezuela in 2014.

This story is dodgy. Tony Schiena, who seems to have written his own Wikipedia bio, lists his main profession as "actor", and, with head of Intelligence for Scotland Yard, Commander Richard Martin he is co-trustee of a UK charity which sounds, to me, like a cover for paedophiles. See this advertising.

His "PMC" company, Mosaic Security, is based in the United States.

See also this post on Russian military intelligence assessment of US interference in Venezuela.

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