Wednesday 1 May 2019

GRU Statement on US Foreign Policy Objectives in Latin America

This matter is extremely complex, principally because the United States is not itself a sovereign nation. I need to know much more about the other foreign interests which are also undermining the sovereignty of Latin American states. In addition to both foreign and domestic narcotraficantes, there seem to be corporate interests from Europe, Russia and China. All of these factors, taken together with the rampant endemic corruption, make the task of securing national sovereignty for Latin American states far more complex than this  military intelligence report could reasonably be expected to reveal.

Interesting choice of word "blitzkrieg", to describe the latest American interference (7 mins 40 secs.) One of the biggest obstacles to effectively dealing with US interference in Latin America is the endemic corruption at the highest levels of national governments. Another obstacle is the evident failure of the sovereignty of the USA.

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