
Monday 4 November 2019

The Wachowski's Revolutions

Thoughtful analysis of the ideas behind three Wachowski movies about revolutions of one kind or another.

Here is a piece about Jean Baudrillard:

See Why do I Persist? and I'm Still Looking For A Job ...

... in underground architecture ... see Revolution: The Real Deal ...

... see Lee Camp on Protests Everywhere and Bloomberg Talking Crap on an Astronomical Scale ...

See also this essay Proofs and Refutations, now seven years old. Skip to the final page to see what it s really about:

It is not that well-known that Ulysses S. Grant was a mathematician.

What has this got to do with people wearing tartan kilts in Chicago?

The answer is Horse Code. It's a complete load of parabolic calculus. Ask Anish Kapoor.

Here in Bolivia, this is the position that most candidates in this Presidential election found themselves in, thanks to yours truly. So credit to those who still stood for election! 😂

... thank God it is only a movie! ❤️💓💕

See Slavoj Zizek On Protests.

"It's gonna be over before you know it's begun!" Tell me about it babe! 😂

... how about a date? ❤️

It should at least teach some people about the difference between simula and simulacra, and reassure others:

This post is for my daughter Helen, who is having a bit of a rough time of it, by the sounds of things. I love you Helen. ❤️

See Boris Johnson and Russian Meddling in British Politics. Now I think I know what this song is about ...

... yup ...

If you think this all about "social justice" and  nobody going to jail, the I have news for you:

... from another father-daughter team:

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