
Saturday 2 November 2019

Bloomberg Talking Crap on an Astronomical Scale

There are going to be hundreds of US$ trillionaires in the next few years, and none of them are going have to do as much as shit to make it.

This drivel like Bloomberg and The Economist are producing now is a symptom of this phenomenon:

This total failure to recognise that what holds back human technological advance are these assholes who have all the money and make all the decisions about what to spend it on shows you what is the state of education amongst "the elite", who are just bunch of illiterate, senile, dribbling retards.

At 3 minutes 15 seconds: Rothschild: "I mean, it was the most incredible piece of opportunism, ..."

See I'm Still Looking For A Job and There's Trouble Down't Dark Satanic Mill!

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