
Wednesday 23 October 2019

Serious Psychological Problems

Don't tell me that assholes like Tim Cook or Mark Carney know anything about economics! This is a psychological problem. The "Masters of the Universe" realise they don't know shit, and they don't know what to do now. See On Free Will and Conscious Awareness. They need help, but they're too busy fucking-over the only people who can help them.

At 4 mins 29 seconds, "The government buys everything, ..." The problem is these banks are not the government, they have become independent, thanks to years of holding governments to ransom during recessions. So the "economic detox" never makes the system healthy again, it just perpetuates the lie of money and power. See

.... or watch the trailer first:

See also this talk by Werner, given 18 months ago:

See Norman Wildberger Explains Why He Doesn't Have Any Money Either for a simple example of credit creation and why it is a scam. But that's not all! It turns out that up to 60% of loans are not made by banks, but by shadow banking comanies who are effectively unregulated. The lack of regulation is such that the total amount loaned is not even known!!!

See from 3 minutes 15 seconds:

... and the future is an unholy combination of credit creation and shadow ban-banking, [sp?!] ...

... where you can credit for burning a homeless person, like we have in Cochabamba, thanks to the bald faggot man and the neo-libtard sheepdipped narcos that run the place on behalf of the DEA and the CIA  😂 See While The World Protests Agaist Inequality and Injustice, ...

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