
Wednesday 23 October 2019

Quantum Supremacy Experimentally Verified!!

You build  lot of circuits and add them together and eventually they get so complex that you can't solve the problem they solve on a classical computer. Wow! Have you tried that with ordinary computer programs? I mean, you keep adding programs to together until the complexity of the combined concurrent system exceeds that which you can simulate. Call that "classical supremacy", and then try programming FPGAs with Boolean Satisfiability problems, ... call that NPCompleteness Supremacy. Of course, this won't convince the world that the USA is the leader in Quantum Computing, ... but at least it would convince us that you know what the problem is really about, ... and who knows, if you go on behaving like rational intelligent human beings, then hell, one day people might start buying shares in your companies!! See Serious Psychological Problems.

IBM beg to differ:

At 4 minutes 21 seconds "IBM were able to respond very quickly, because Google tipped them off on what they were doing, ...." Well, I choose to interpret this as evidence of an engineering conspiracy, ... engineers and scientists are just as fed up with this banking bullshit economy as I am, ... welcome to the technocracy, people! And yes, you go figure whose shares are worth investing your worthless money in, ...

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