
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Lee Camp on Protests Everywhere

... and even in the USA, ...

I am still trying to believe in this sort of direct action, underground, ... the trouble is that it's off all of the media radar, ...

These are the only kinds of forms of protest that I think will actually work.

The history of these kinds of "underground architecture" movements in the United States goes back to the sixties. The fact that after one year these two videos have achieved a total of fewer than 100 views says it all, ...

But around here, this is the sort of thing that counts as society. A bunch of guys with sticks ripping down banners of people peacefully protesting a corrupt government.

This talk at 1 min 39 seconds by Leo, shows that there is a global decentralised network of interoperating groups, and that some people are thinking about how to increase intercommunication amongst these groups.

28 minutes 41 seconds: Social media platform independence is almost a reality now: see and but the idea of keying the whole thing off a DNS name is a showstopper.

It's a bit depressing that it has taken six years and we still haven't got people to realise the problem with concrete representation of data. See Amy Zegart on Cyberwar and the first post I made on this blog. For more details, see I'm Still Looking for A Job.

Update: see The Wachowski's Revolutions.

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