
Wednesday 23 October 2019

Fears that Softbank May be in Trouble

The world's biggest tech investor seems to have made some poor investment decisions, the latest being WeWork. Maybe the Bank of Japan will step in, ...

At 1 minute 19 seconds you see what these massively over-inflated startup valuations are all about. This is the only way that Softbank can pay investors dividends! Its investors are mostly "sovereign wealth funds". 😂😂😂

See Lori on Startups and this FT article: SoftBank to ‘double down’ on WeWork investment
The two men [Artie Minson and Sebastian Gunningham,] have put some of the smaller businesses bought by Mr Neumann up for sale and are expected to begin lay-offs that could affect at least 2,000 jobs. In the statement on Tuesday they said they would “streamline” WeWork and narrow its focus to the core business of providing desks in shared offices. Employees, who had mostly been left in the dark in the hours after the board approved the SoftBank investment, were told on Tuesday night that Mr Claure would “hold a conversation around the future of WeWork” on Wednesday morning.
WeWorked, but it was a fucking waste of time, ... never mind, how about the quantum shared workspace market: two people sitting in the same chair doing different things at the same time. Think cryogenic ride-sharing! Ask Obama and Trudeau if you don't know what I mean.

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