
Friday 13 September 2019

¡Viva la Revolución!

Nice pad you got there, Ed. You should come see mine some day. Stick with principles, they're important!

Take care, dude! 😂😂😂

I was actually looking for Monty Python's Russian Firing Squad sketch, but it seems the CIA have pulled it. I guess their problem is with the poster at the end, ...

So much of Edward Snowden's manner reminds of Simon Edward Thornton, ... here's a message Simon Thornton sent me once, after I had published the essay mentioned in this post: The Logic of Aristotle, and after I had updated my LinkedIn page asking for people's help in disbanding the freemasons, my replies follow.

Later on, I entered into this exchange with various people:

My daughter Helen was named after Helen of Troy, and I'm sure Simon's sister Helen was named after her too. And I was thinking of Simon's sister when I said to her mother that I'd like to name our daughter Helen. I always felt Helen Thornton and I had some unspoken thing going on, ... so I was sad to hear she had died recently. Here's a recent e-mail exchange I had with a mutual friend. The most recent reply I got dated 5 June, only now appeared in my mailbox, so I hadn't seen it until today. Having real trouble with these images and DU recorder editor and stuff. Feels like I have three teams of cooperating hackers playing core-wars in my tablet! 😂 Sorry if I have trashed one of your email addresses and donain names Catherine! Maybe some kind person will buy you another set? ❤️💓💕

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