
Wednesday 25 September 2019

UN Syria Peace Process

Panos Moumtziz at 3 minutes 25 seconds seems to believe that a political solution is necessary before the humanitarian crisis can be dealt with. He says that progress must be made on the root causes, which he takes to be the "political and constitutional issues", and this is why the progress made by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is so crucial, and such a great leap forward.

But what Moumtziz doesn't say is why he thinks that political and constitutional issues are the root cause of the conflict in Syria. This is just assumed to be common knowledge. Why? See UN Claims Progress on Syria Peace Plan and then watch this:

Note the remark at 8 minutes 50 seconds, about 47,000 people being killed, and nobody knows anything about it. Is it possible that this is because of the fact that this video, at the time I write, has had 34 views, despite having been up for almost a whole year? See Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion

So now you know why I wrote this: Property Developers Redistributing People With Ideas, and you should see why I am a bit pissed off with the people in Cochabamba who arranged for property prices here to reach something close to those in Miami, FL. Well, ... who the fuck would want to live in Miami anyway, just a bunch of coke traffickers, bent cops, US Coast Guard personnel and their girl-friends 😂❤️💓💕 ...

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