
Friday 20 September 2019

Five Years of War in Yemen

This programme was screened two years ago.

Two years ago I was on the street here in Cochabamba with a stolen mobile phone, trying to contact Julian Assange on Facebook Messenger. I never received any reply. That was eighteen months after Al Jazeera screened this documentary Pulling The Strings, which was three months before I posted this: A Midsummer Night's Dream, which, coincidentally, was the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Arab Revolt.

Why should Julian worry about this? See this from 9 minutes 30 seconds:

So, if Julian was playing me, then he didn't do a very good job, ... so, was Julian playing Edward Snowden? And was Edward Snowden playing me? Let's make them both come true, shall we. Come on boys, you have nothing to lose but your worthless miserable lives. Once more into the breach dear friends, .... but this time, ... do mind the Russians, they're fucking dangerous! See Putin Spectating at Centre 2019.

In the unlikely event that anybody wants to argue that I don't have sufficient contacts in the Middle-East to be able to start any kind of peace process, you should note that at that time my second cousin Ingrid Falck was head of documentaries at Al Jazeera in Dohar, Qatar. And this interview with Princess Basmah Bint Saud was made in 2015:

And this documentary was screened in May 2017, and includes an interview with Princess Basma Bint Ali of Jordan.

So, I think that these three friends very probably could help me make contact with a few people in the Middle-East who could have helped me start a sane peace process. Now to see what a problem this is for some people, you only need to do a quick tally of the number of people killed in the Middle-East over the past three years,... in addition, my relationship with the KGB goes back to 1988, when, as Simon Thornton or Brian "Woods" will confirm, I kept a bottle of Stolichnaya in the freezer in my house in Romsey, ... see Vesti on Putin's Middle-East Peace Plan.

Maybe British Miliitary Intelligence should read Tatler and The Lady more carefully than they do? If they did then they wouldn't fuck up nearly so badly, nearly so often, I think!

I also have some friends in Gaza

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