
Thursday 22 August 2019

Trudeau's Subversion of Canadian Judicial System is Coming Unravelled

This surely involves British intelligence MI6/GCHQ as well.


And this Guardian piece: Explained: the case that could bring down Canada's Justin Trudeau:
SNC-Lavalin, based in Montreal, is accused of paying C$48m worth of bribes in Libya to Muammar Gaddafi’s family, in order to secure lucrative contracts. The bribery is alleged to have occurred between 2001 and 2011.
Canada has a masonry issue: Canada Has Problems. So does Australia: Australian Government Hell-bent on Making a Bad Situation Worse. I think most Canadians and most Australians would be surprised about how much they have in common with each other. But it's not what you would call wealth! More like the opposite, actually:

On being the Captain: Here is a guide for the perplexed:

It will, for example, explain to you the difference between cybernetics and steerage, ...

but there is a rather unfortunately necessary pre-requisite, which is literacy! Otherwise you mght just think it's about beavers, boots, butchers, and the number forty-two. It's Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark".

For more about fuck-wits bearing out fuck-brained prophecies, see This Shit is Way Beyond Fucked-upLori on the Fake Economy and Aristotle on The Continuum. For more than is probably good for anybody, µείζον or not, see Guerilla Logic.

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