
Thursday 8 August 2019

Social Media is Bad for Your Self-image

This is probably even more of a problem than the loneliness caused by brain-damaged software from Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. And these two problems are likely each contributing to the other. See Lori on Loneliness.

Another factor will be stress, which will also contribute to the two above, and will be an inevitable consequence of those two. See Claudia Aguirre on Neuro-physiology of Skin. And yet another factor will be diet, the economy, climate and so on and so forth, .... and you can see why the world is a mess, because people don't understand that to make any progress at all, we have to be able to tackle all these problems at the same time! And the biggest barrier to this is economic inflexibility and the legislative barriers that have been and are being put up to avoid "disruptive economics", which is wnything that jeopardises the making of obscene profits by stupid people like Buffett, Musk, Zuckerberg et al, who know nothing about anything.

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