
Monday 5 August 2019

Rutger Bregman on Poverty

I thougt I would already know most of what he was going to say, ... I was wrong. This is an eye-opener!

Poverty is another epigenetic inheritable disease. See Cortizol Can Cause Epigenetic Changes Which Are Inherited.

At 6 minutes 25 seconds, this idea of "changing the ecosystem" needs to be taken on literally, not just figuratively. See Why Climate Scientists Shouldn't Set Policy.  Efosa Ojomo says poverty is not a lack of resources, it is a lack of innovation:

At 14 minutes 22 seconds. The innovations we need are communications and logistics to support education, and everything else will follow as inevitable consequences of this being available to all. See In Ethiopia's South Omo It Hasn't Rained for Five Years. And this will work in America too: see America is Falling in Love ... But in some places the social problems we have to fix are extreme, resulting from generations of stress and trauma. And it's not just El Salvador and Guatemala, there are millions of people in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina who live in barrios like this one Ashley Williams moved into one day in Guatemala City:

See What Is Socialist Economic Development and Why Climate Scientists Shouldn't Set Policy.

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