
Thursday 1 August 2019

Russian Government is Clearly NOT Taking Climate Change Seriously

This is an FT report on the Siberian wildfires in the Taiga:

The Russian government’s lacklustre response to tackling the fires, which began weeks ago, has raised concerns over Moscow’s commitment to addressing climate change. The country relies heavily on the oil and gas industry and has a poor record of enforcing green initiatives.
These forests are a major carbon sink. See from 10 mins 35 seconds:
Every single year the northern boreal forests sink 15 billion tonnes of carbon. Equivalent to 2.4 years of total world coal consumption.
So, what would happen every year, if those forests were reduced to half of their capacity as a carbon sink? It would be the same as doubling the world's coal consumption. And that is without taking into account the effect of CO2 generated during the fires, and the effect of the increased arctic temperatures melting the permafrost and releasing tonnes of methane. These forests are the tipping point. If we lose them, we lose everything.

The solution is not just to spend money putting out the fires. The solution is to restore the agricultural land in the watershed which supplies the forests with their water. This is also the solution to the flooding problems in the far east. Listen to Gabe Brown at 15 minutes 3 seconds: In ten years, soil that previously could barely infiltrate half an inch of rainfall per hour, could infiltrate over 15 inches of rainfall per hour.

See Shamini Jain on Medicine.

From: G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion:

See People Want Me To Shut The Fuck Up For A While? The reason this is important is that Putin talks about the threat of war as being more urgent than the climate threat, (see Vladimir Putin on War) but he does not acknowledge that both of these threats have a common cause, and that common cause is the fake global economy based on the US dollar which is backed by a "reserve" of oil-for-arms, (see Russians Surprised by Their Own Plan to Invade Western Europe) and consequently depends upon there being a persistent state of armed conflict and a persistent increase in global oil and gas production. The only way out of this is to base global economic growth on the process of increasing the real value of natural resources. And this can only be done by increasing human knowledge of how best to use those natural resources (see What is Socialist Economic Development?) The way to do this is to invest in education and scientific research into the global use of natural resources such as agricultural land, fresh water, renewable energy sources and reserves of fossil and nuclear fuel. Now the only way to do this is via secure global communications. So the number one priority in global economic development is the development of secure communications. See Developing Secure Communications, which I handed, in person, to the Jeffa de Gabinete at the Vice Presidency in La Paz on 15th February 2015. Then, four years later, still starving, I posted this: Food Please! which is a request for diplomatic assistance from  the Russian embassy in La Paz. But I received no reply. But on July 12th Vesti show this piece on Evo Morales, where they claim "his country" is independent of the United States, but don't explain how a country can have its currency pegged to the US dollar and can borrow billions from US sources to pay for oil refineries, and yet maintain its independence from the United States.

So, can somebody please tell me what is the problem here? You see, I think it's just a lack of education: Why is Telecommunications Security Important? Thirteen days after Morales' meeting with Putin Bolivia celebrated the 210th Anniversary of the founding of the Junta Tuitiva. Actually read the declaration:

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