
Saturday 10 August 2019

Natalie Fratto on Adaptability

This is an interesting talk. But we need to be taking this to The Next Level™ which is looking at adaptability not as an attribute of individuals, but as a potential capacity for whole societies, and societies of nations. The example of a "brain-backwards bike" is a good one, because there are probably very good physical and physiological reasons why it's harder to ride a bike where the steering is reversed, apart from the habit which is neurologically wired into the cerebellum. Just because some people have the tenacity to do it does not mean it's the sensible thing to do. Taking this back to business, developing one's personal ability to adapt to changing competitive environments is not necessarily the smartest thing to do when you are staring global economic collapse in the face. A smarter thing to do would be to create business environments where people cooperate by default because they recognise the value of the common good, and that economics is a positive sum game.

One of the other commentors pointed out that the quote from Ghandi was along similar lines:

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