
Friday 9 August 2019

IPCC Nonsense

These people are asleep. See Why Climate Scientists Shouldn't Set Policy

This woman Pamela McElwee from Rutgers hasn't done her basic research. She doesn't know about soil and nutrient runoff contributions to atmospheric carbon.

Note the effects of the boreal forests at 12 minutes 3 seconds. On nutrient runoff and fertiliser use, note the point at 14 minutes 53 secs about the only place where fresh water systems don't contribute to atmospheric carbon: it's the boreal forests.

McElwee doesn't realise how agriculture affects this:

Listen to  Gabe Brown at 15 minutes 3 seconds:
In twenty years, soil that previously could barely infiltrate half an inch of rainfall per hour, could infiltrate over 15 inches of rainfall per hour.
American farmers don't seem to know this: 32 seconds: "Something's changing, ..." Yeah, the soil is dying!

And neither do the American farmers' union representatives know it. See US Agriculture and Donald Trump's Business Acumen Applied to Agriculture.

The soils of North America were made by herds of Bison, sometimes over 7 million strong.

So the solution is more likely to involve grazing animals than not:

Insects are an important part of agricultural development, so you do need to effectively regulate the use of pesticide and herbicide:

This process of agricultural restoration must become the basis for a sound model of sustainable economic growth, and international diplomacy: see Shamini Jain on Medicine.

See John Todd's book Healing Earth:

This natural intelligence John Todd speaks about should not be underestimated: it is real. See Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens and Nancy Trivellato on Disembodied Consciousness.

At 7 minutes 13 seconds, on animism, see how the same ideas appeared in 9000 B.C.E. in the Middle-East: Syria, Iran and Turkey in 9000 B.C.E.

Natural intelligence is just human intelligence, which is uniquely the product of a good education (cf Narby's comments at 8 mins 14 seconds about putting shamen and academic scientists on the same ontological footing: see Why is Telecommunications Security Important?) The only thing we need to do this, is the ability to freely share ideas: see Why Climate Scientists Shouldn't Set Policy. We need secure communications, people!

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