
Saturday 10 August 2019

Feynman on Patents and the Value of an Idea

Ideas are ten a penny. A dollar? Just for one little idea? An idea like a nuclear powered rocket for an airplane engine?

Venture capitalists, take note. Of what? Of what Aristotle wrote:
The cause of an attribute’s inherence in a subject always itself inheres in the subject more firmly than that attribute.
What does this mean? Well, take love, for example: you love the cause of your love more than you love the object of your love. That's how I discovered, 12 years later, that I was in love with a girls' school on the South Downs in Sussex. 🤦❤️💓💕 And what does this have to do with venture capital? Well, what is more valuable than any idea, are the people and the environments which generate those ideas. See As Easy as 1–2–3–4–5 Communicating Sequential Processes, which, I think, generated an idea about how to improve Internet latency, and thereby "give terrorists who want to destroy our [British] values and way of life the ability to live-stream their atrocities", according to Theresa May. I think it may also have spawned a resurgence of interest in  synchronous serial communications protocols and disciplined oscillators (See Amazing Shit You Can Do With Cheap FPGAs!). If not, then it should have! See Chapter 8 "Hearts and Souls" on page 18 of Guerilla Logic and Jeri on Phase Shift Oscillators for some hints. See also For H. and Act I of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

So, what was the environment which produced this essay and the ideas it inspired?  It was the NOUS: New Oxford University Students. Brightening up the lives of tired urban commuters:

The Next Level™ ....

... is 5th Generation Digital Analogic Computing and Communications™  with piezo-electro-mechanical optical switching.

See the discussion about measuring voltage with a potentiometer on page 20 of this: As Easy as 1–2–3–4–5 Communicating Sequential Processes and then watch this basic introduction to op-amps by Kendra Pugh from MIT:

That should be enough to see a connection between Isaac Newton's second law F=ma, and Galilean relativity which Jade explores here:

So now you can probably have a good go at solving the momentum question from this first-year MIT Physics exam:

See also DifferentiatorOp amp integrator and this ...

Then watch this:

Now go have fun!

Doing what? I dunno. Think of something, like laser pinball in a three dimensional matrix of microscopic polyurethane beads. Look up Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment and see Jeri Elsworth on Wien Bridge Oscillators (and lightbulbs) and note what someone in the comments claims is a piezoelectric effect at 2 minutes 43 seconds: whatever it is, it is apparently enough to trigger the oscillator for one cycle. Then watch this, just to chill-out for a while! 😂

But not for long: think a bit about turbulence and chaos in fluids, and how this relates to entropy:

And think about how much control we have over some fluids:

Now listen to Richard Feynman on the distinction of past and future. "We remember the past, but we don't remember the future."

But how do we remember the past? By the present effects of past events which we infer because of what we know about the world.


This simple procdure, developed at the  Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics (ITLR), University of Stuttgart, which involves evaporating water drops and examining the residues under a microscope shows how there are observable effects of past events recorded in crystalline structures.

But there are many possible ways in which memories could be recorded dynamically in environmental interactions. Paramagnetism, for example:

Or ferro-magnetism

So this might be something to ponder when you are thinking about Shannon entropy and Boltzmann brains and the direction of time (i.e. cause and effect) and Quantum Mechanics. See Julia Galef on Aumann's Agreement Theorem, and this:

Here's how to learn about Quantum Mechanics by self-study, but it would work better if a well-organised group of people got together and made videos exploring different ways of teaching the subject from different angles.

One seriously under-developed learning strategy is using computer programming to test your understanding of physics and mathematics.

The problem is that students who are not already proficient in some concrete programming technique can end up getting heavily bogged down in mechanical problems which are more to do with particular programming languages and development tools than with what they really want to study. Here are some examples of these kinds of technical problems:

See Women Programming Computers for some ideas on how to design software that doesn't have this problem of losing the user in a mass of complex problems of concrete representation. What we need to start with is a completely abstract metalanguage representation in which we can define new languages for describing new kinds of things along with mechanical rules for interpreting these abstract languages into concrete representations. See this essay for an extended description: Genesis, the final paragraph of which, on page 43, has a connection with "Boltzmann brains" ...

... and the direction of time:

... which might explain some aspects of J.S. Bach's St John Passion. See G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion.


... and this, from Hello, World.

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