
Monday 22 July 2019

Weird Stuff Going on With the British Press

Coincidentally, this film is getting some attention now

... from DemocracyNow! ...

Part 2:

At 26 minutes there is a discussion of Ben Emerson's "defence of necessity" against the charge of breaking the Official Secrets Act. This may turn out to be a crucial precedent because, as Goodman says at 36 minutes, it is still going on today: Iranian Foreign Ministry Urges UK Government to "Contain the internal forces that aim to escalate the conflict" and Lord Goldsmith's judgement applies to any "cooked up" future war with Iran. The Iraq war in 2003 opened the day after this story about the NSA/GCHQ collusion broke.

See also Amy Zegart on Cyberwar. A couple of years ago, the Cambridge Evening News once carried a headline saying just Hundred Point Splash Heading Here. Maybe this is it? 😂

See also this story and this post.

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