
Wednesday 3 July 2019

US Pentagon Ranks 19th In P2P Child Pornography Networks

Oh for fuck's sake!

Next thing you know they are going to employ the Pope to investigate:

At 3 mins 5 secs Seymour Hersh explains part of the problem in the middle-east is that US Special Forces are not under the command of the US President. He doesn't know who commands them. He says they think they're the Knights of Malta fighting the crusades. Many US military personnel belong to the Knights of Malta. RT contacted CENTCOM for comments, but none were received before the program aired.

The Pope is the head of the Knights of Malta: well, sort of.

They are associated with the MEK cult, as are US JSOC and Mossad:

Here's an Al  Jazeera piece on the MEK from a few days ago.

Their source of funding is unknown, but John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani have both taken money from the organization.

See also the comments about MEK here: Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg.

February 9th 2013:

February 11th 2013:

From February 2017 this Economist piece says:
ON FEBRUARY 2nd, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Angelo Becciu as his special delegate to the Order of the Knights of Malta, an exclusive, centuries-old Roman Catholic fellowship.
 The showdown was triggered on December 6th when Mr Festing dismissed his grand chancellor, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, after he refused to step down over claims, which Mr Boeselager denies, that he allowed the distribution of condoms in Myanmar. The Vatican appointed a commission of inquiry. The Order responded with a statement that, to protect its sovereignty, “it should not co-operate”. Two weeks later, the pope summoned Mr Festing to demand his resignation. 
I suppose the issue was over why a celibate order would need to distribute condoms in Myanmar?

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