
Wednesday 17 July 2019

Shamini Jain on Medicine

At 10 mins 11 secs. "... our abilities to generate and influence our own healing are tremendous. If we could just build a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern science, we stand a chance to create a global model of healing that is far more complete and effective than anything that we've ever done. And this bridging is already starting to happen."

It is not just healing individual bodies, it is healing whole societies, nations, and the landscapes in which they live. See Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens. The key step is taking seriously the fact, obvious as it is, though not a feature that the intellectual furniture of most modern scientists can comfortably accommodate, that the human mind, its states of belief and the rational and irrational processes that go on within it, is an effective causal agent in the natural physical world. See On the Psyche and Why Mathematics Works.

John Todd is applying this whole system development approach to economics, agriculture and industry all at the same time:

But we need to build it into international diplomacy and the global economy: at 1 minute 40 secs  "Ecological knowledge transcends human intelligence. ... an example: if you take a pond, and connect it to a marsh, ..."

... From 7 months ago, ...

Heads of state need to understand how all the different parts of the real world connect together, in order that they can make the right decisions. The only way they can get that understanding is by communicating and learning from each other. See Why is Telecommunications Security Important?

At 18 minutes 36 secs. The die-off of fish may have been caused by an influx of nutrient runoff from the land, perhaps artificial fertilizer washed into the river during rains. This causes a microbial bloom and the growth of the microbes takes all the oxygen out of the water, and the fish suffocate. Listen to this brilliant talk by Peter Pollard, from this post: Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens, at 10 minutes 59 secs:

Then you will understand why Evo Morales building industrial plants to make artificial fertiliser is so stupid. See Algal Bloom in Atlantic. The other major source of dissolved organic carbon in rivers is topsoil washed away in rain after deforestation. Here's Tony Lovell with the arithmetic of carbon dioxide and its sources from the degeneration of agricultural land, and the capacity of land regeneration to reduce atmospheric carbon:

At 11 minutes 4 secs, you see the importance of the northern forests, such as the Taiga in Siberia and the Russian Arctic, where climate change is most dramatic, with temperatures there increasing at twice the global average rate.

So this is the kind of climate hacking we need to build into the global economic system, and this is also what will provide the stable basis for the global economy. See G20 Opening Ceremony Music Suggestion and On Retirement.

The survival of human civilization hinges on only one thing, which is our faith in the human abilty to educate ourselves, and to believe in the greater value of the future of humanity; not just our children, but their children, and their children's children. If we once lose that, we lose everything!

At 10 mins 10 secs. David Bresch, Head of Sustainability at Swiss Re "Can larger groups, ... or can mankind change, out of sheer insight, or do we need to hit the wall?" And the answer is, yes we can change out of sheer insight, and indeed that is the only way we ever have changed in hundreds of thousands of years. If you don't see this immediately, go back to the top of this post and read everything I've written again, but more carefully, and make sure you listen to the speakers in the videos.

At 19 minutes 42 seconds, evolutionary biologist Manfred Milinsky explains an experiment called "The Climate Game". See A General Strategy for Solving Problems by Analysis of Situational Logic.

At 24 mins 29 secs, "It's really frightening, what we have ahead, because we can't change human behaviour enough, to stop it. I am convinced of that. We can't do it." See Climate Action for the reasons why we have so much trouble changing human behavior. They center around evolutionary biologists who fail to understand the role of the mind in human cognitive development. See Possibilities of New Therapies Using Natural Entheogens and Cortizol Can Cause Epigenetic Changes Which Are Inherited.

At 40 minutes 33 secs. "And people want to use their cars. How could we live without them?" Many people believe that because they personally don't know what can be done about a problem, that nobody knows. They assume that if there was anybody who knew how to solve the problem, then everyone would know the solution, including they themselves. And since they themselves don't know the solution, that could only be because there is no solution. This is not a valid argument. So the problem boils down to a problem of the inability of the majority of the population to engage in rational thought. The solution is to teach the population how to reason logically. This is easily taught to children of the age of about 12 years. See Lewis Carroll's "The Game of Logic", and read the preface to his later book Symbolic Logic, Vol I : Elementary

The single most important capacity we need to survive is the ability to communicate our knowledge. See Why is Telecommunications Security Important?

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