
Saturday 13 July 2019

Kate Bowler on the Economics of Faith and the Faith of Economics

On the so-called prosperity gospel preached by practically every self-proclaimed chr*stian I have spoken to in Bolivia. "I have committed zero homicides, to date! So why is this happening to me?"  This woman is brilliant! ❤️💓💕

People said to her husband, "everything happens for a reason", and he replies "I'd like to hear what is the reason my wife is dying." The reason is that she lived in the kind of society (see FT Illustrating The Problem With Modern Medicine) created by people who believe that God rewards them for being good and believing in "Him", and that such a God would not expect, let alone demand, that they make a sacrifice of their personal prosperity in the interests of the greater good of the prosperity of that society as a whole. This prosperity gospel does not have much traction amongst the poor. See DW Documentary on the Life of the Kolla People in Northern Argentina, in particular the fragment starting at 39 minutes 32 secs:

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