
Wednesday 10 July 2019

DW Documentary on the Life of the Kolla People in Northern Argentina

The Kolla live in the Puna de Atacama, which is high altitude Puna Grassland, a biome which is unique to this region of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.

At 37 minutes 19 seconds. There is a semi-formal barter economy in operation. They also have a cooperative offering micro-credit to workers in the wider region. See Bill Gates On Why Microfinance Doesn't Reduce Poverty.

The main drive behind rural depopulation is people seeking higher education.
At 38 minutes 33 secs. "Norma says Gaby will probably find a job here as a social worker once she completes her studies." Gaby wants to teach at the local primary school.  At 39 minutes 10 secs: She wants to help her local community. She says she doesn't jnow why, but she feels comfortable there. See Helena Norberg-Hodge on Healthy Personal Identity. At 39 minutes 32 secs, they are Christians, but they also follow the pagan traditions and profess complete faith in them (40 minutes 10 secs). At 41 minutes 30 secs. Ownership of their land is a spiritual ceremony. They probably don't have any papers that confer their rights as legal owners. The land is still fertile, even after being under cultivation and being grazed for millenia. But if it were under better management, its productivity would quickly increase tenfold, and the changes would be evident in the Atacama desert below, which is currently the driest place on earth. See In Ethiopia's South Omo It Hasn't Rained for Five Years.

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