
Tuesday 16 July 2019

Boeing Executives Should Face Criminal Charges for 737 MAX Crashes

From this story in The Hill: Man who lost his family on Boeing 737 Max says company executives should face criminal charges:
"A man who lost his family in the crash of a Boeing 737 Max in Ethiopia earlier this year is calling for Boeing to ditch the plane and for its executives to resign and face criminal charges."
I agree. Senior Boeing executives should be charged with criminal negligence, and Boeing should file for bankruptcy protection, trading in shares should be suspended, and the company should be placed under competent management who will proceed to identify the systemic failures in the company's management, and agree on a set of necessary conditions which they can explain convincingly will prevent those kinds of systemic failure from ever occurring again. Then they should restructure the company and retrain the workforce to make those the normal operating conditions. Then the corporation should be returned to the shareholders.

See Boeing 737 MAX Debacle Continues and Al Jazeera Investigating the Boeing 767 crash in 1999.

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